Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Almond Milk

I recently found out that I have a sensitivity to dairy...  It was probably only recently because pretty much my whole life I've adored the flavor of cream, cheese and everything dairy.

Literally- I could live on dairy and maybe a few veggies here and there- I always said I wouldn't be able to be a vegan because I'm so addicted to dairy.  Needless to say when I found out that dairy and I don't agree, it was a sad day.  Once I eliminated dairy from my diet it was very apparent how sensitive I am to it.  Between lethargy and a range of symptoms I'll spare you from discussing, it is definitely not kind to me.  Now- I still love how it tastes, so I will still have it in small amounts.  Thankfully it's a sensitivity and NOT an allergy.

A while ago (even before my dairy avoidance) I started getting almond milk because it's about the only way I can get almonds into my son which is something his allergist wants so he doesn't become allergic to it.  For a while I could blend a little in with his regular milk and he had no idea.  Lately, his palate has become sensitive.  He will wrinkle his nose and point to it and say, "There's almond milk in here!".  He says it as if he's Sherlock Holmes.  Between him being on to it and then me finding out the "potential" carcinogens in commercially made almond milk, I was about ready to throw my hands up in the air.  A friend pointed out that it was really easy to make almond milk.

Between work, making homemade bread, meals for my family and all the busyness of the Christmas season, adding something more to my to do list just didn't sound appealing.  I went ahead and bought a nut milk bag and gave it a try.  I soaked the almonds overnight- not to hard and blenderized following the milk bag company's directions.  It was actually pretty easy and not bad to clean up.  I even sweetened the milk with a few dates I had and put in a little homemade vanilla.  My son saw the frothy mixture I had and after scolding me for using the blender (apparently it's too loud for him), asked for some.  I told him, "It's mommy's and I don't think you will like it."  "I think I will like it," he said.  I gave him a little and then he asked for a whole glass.  So maybe it's not almond milk he doesn't like, maybe it's just commercial almond milk...

Now- if there's only a delicious vegan cheese out there I'll be all set!

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