Just in case you missed it last year, I still think it's a good post and I updated it for the catholic mom.com website-
Christmas Stress, it's a good reminder for me every year- and every time I fall prey to worrying about other people's expectations.

So today we had an interesting morning. My father is very good at what he does and is a very smart and influential guy (I can brag about my Dad, right?). Anyway, he does a bunch of interviews with different groups and people that are done on video. Apparently this is so "everyday" for him, he didn't let us know he needed a "recording studio" when he visited. My mom, son and I found ourselves being puzzled at 9 this morning when my dad was getting ready for an interview and he set up shop in our kitchen breakfast nook. "Ok now, everyone be quiet," was said. This was at a point when my "not really a morning person" 4 year old hadn't had his breakfast yet- oh- and did I mention he likes to eat breakfast in front of the TV? My mom and I both realized that trying to keep a 4 year old quiet is akin to herding cats, and was unlikely to happen.
We hurried around the house looking for a suitable location. It couldn't have clutter- that ruled out my husband's office where we have tons of stuff to file and other boxes. It needed to be quiet. That ruled out a good deal of spaces. It couldn't have stuff on the wall. The guest room seemed like a good spot and I thought if we just moved the huge poster of St. John Paul II we would be all set with a blank wall. Apparently I forgot that St. John Paul II was helping us cover up butterflies and flowers that had been put up by the little girl that lived in our house before... and we didn't take them down because they were impossible to peel off.
Running out of time to find a suitable location- we actually chose the four year old's bedroom. Yep, the quietest place in the house in the morning is the bedroom of the preschooler and that's the easiest room to keep him from bounding into.
So next time you are looking for a quiet room in your house- just remember it may not be the first one that comes to mind.
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