Image taken by my husband of an alligator with a turtle on it's back |
I tried to logically go through the questions and fears, explaining that accidents with wild creatures rarely happen and if we respect their space and take precautions, they typically will stay away from us.
One particular time my son went through a long line of questions. "What if aliens get me? (he elaborated on this one, I don't exactly remember if it was being captured and held and all sorts of imaginative hypotheses, but he was elaborate). "That won't happen," I think was my response. "What if a shark attacks me?" "What if an alligator eats me?". Patiently, I answered each question with a simple response- "Then you will go home to God in Heaven." "But I don't want to go home to God in Heaven, I want to go back to our house with Dewey and Duchess." "Really?" I looked at him. He has told me multiple times he wants to move into a larger house so he can have a big playroom.
After a series of several anxious scenarios in which I calmly responded to him, "Then you will go home to God in Heaven." He came right out with it- "Mommy- I don't want to die and I don't want you to die."
I responded, "I don't want you to die either. That's why we try to keep you safe...I don't want you to go to God in Heaven until God in Heaven wants you and I don't want to go to God until he's ready for me either."
This somehow seemed to assuage his fears and made me look at my fears too. There are so many things to be afraid of. But when we look at it- the ultimate end isn't something to be terribly afraid of. It's something that no one wants to come before it is time, but that is not for us to worry about. We can rest assured that whenever it is our time, God will be in Heaven waiting for His Children to be ready to come home.

The other interesting discussion we had was about the angels. They made their decision at the beginning of time what side they were going to be on. As one Lay Dominican lamented, "So the angels get one pass/fail test and then it's over and we have to work every minute and hour for our redemption?" As we briefly thought of envying the angels, someone else blurted out, "It may be pass/fail, but the fail is A BIG ONE." I never thought I would be grateful for hundreds of multiple choice tests every day...
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