Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Proud of my son- but he is crafty...

As my mom said... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

Perhaps my proudest parenting moment happened this week (and no, you will not be reading about potty training on this blog).

As we were getting our son ready for bed over the weekend, he was "reading" his big picture book bible and talking about Jesus' mommy.  My husband asked him what her name was.  Our son then went on to say, "Hail Mary".  He then continued on to recite his Hail Mary and Our Father with very minimal prompting.  (Maybe one word of encouragement for each phrase).  He did so well that my husband thought I had been practicing with him.  I'm not one of those moms who do rote memorization or flashcards and I definitely never had the expectation that he would be able to do these prayers by himself at two years of age.  (My mom said I was about 4 when I learned them).

It was pretty cute to hear him say, "blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus," all by himself as well as "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, now, 'mumble' our death Amen."  He was very proud of how surprised and impressed both his parents were.

Of course now, he won't repeat it though.  We do evening prayers every night and he has it in his mind that if he doesn't participate in prayers, he doesn't have to go to bed as soon (he has been working on trying to stall bedtime lately, like wanting to read the entire Mother Goose Nursery rhyme book or other large books.  Crafty little guy...

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