Had a great time celebrating Halloween, but do you know what the even more important holidays are this week?

All Saints Day and All Souls Day! All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation (so if you are Catholic, try to remember to make it to Mass). If you're not Catholic, this is still a great time to remember all those who have passed before us. All Saints Day is a celebration for those canonized by the Catholic Church and also those who are Saints, but not publicly recognized (Anyone who makes it to heaven is a Saint). The Church's teaching is that you don't necessarily know if someone makes it to Heaven right away (even St. Teresa of Calcutta had to go through a process to get officially recognized), so it's not a bad idea to pray for all of your loved ones, even if you think they were pretty Holy. Church teaching is if you pray for the souls of people who have made it to heaven, your prayers are not wasted, they will be utilized for another soul in need of prayers.
On the other hand, this is a great time to ask all those saints in heaven to pray for us. In this time of national anxiety, I think that might be a pretty great idea. Our Lady of The America's, Pray for us!
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