Last week, I somehow (in typical Meg fashion, really) managed to sprain my foot, and get two large bruises and the beginning of scars on both legs. How did I manage this, you might ask? Nope, it wasn't the canine rodeo or work-related incident. It wasn't even any sport related incident, I somehow got this injury from moving around on a bleacher. I've heard from others that bleachers are dangerous, but apparently to a catastrophe-prone person they can be treacherous.

y told a client my Magic 8 ball was broken. I may write about that later.
Somewhere in all this was a text exchange between myself and another mom. She was concerned that at an upcoming social function my son was with people he was comfortable with. As we were texting, I joked with her, "this is a kindergarten thing, not a wedding reception and definitely not the Korean Peninsula". She laughed back as I assured her, my son would be comfortable enough with whoever she picked and that as a fellow busy mom, she could take that off her to do list.
Whether it's allergy season or the funk that's going around my son's school, we've had some type of mild respiratory-headachy annoyance and my son got kicked out of his swim class because even his incredibly patient teacher lost patience with him (this was a first). I then took him home and tried to get him to nap. As I tried singing the Rosary to him which is how I normally get him to sleep, he just got more annoyed and tell me to stop singing. Then I started just praying aloud. That annoyed him too. Then I prayed to myself. He told me again to stop praying. I told him that that prayer was the only thing keeping mommy from having a temper tantrum. He seemed to understand. That among various other small struggles have made it a kind of tough time. We try to smile and we just try to function. We did end up celebrating with a friends birthday party and then giving my son a "bedroom remodel". He hasn't slept in his bed for about 2 years and then he suddenly decided that sleeping on a mattress was good, but he wanted it in front of his door. We rearranged his room and hopefully we are off to a better week, hopefully I will be able to post more too.
Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed and like there's so much to do on my to do list and like I'm just treading water, I say to myself, "First World Problems". I live in a country where I am free, relatively safe and living with much more abundance than many others are blessed with. Whatever little struggles I have are not huge problems and they can be overcome. They are reminders to me that I always rely on a greater strength and a greater power. They are my little "pop up" alerts from God reminding me to step back and be grateful for the blessings.