These are only a few tales; many I am forced to leave out for confidentiality reasons...
So I was giving my vaccine spiel to a woman who hadn't had a pet for 15 years, talking about the diseases that vaccines protected from, and misspoke, talking about the feline equivalent of canine distemper vaccine. The woman looked at me with wide eyes and said, "there's a vaccine for bad behavior? Why don't they have that in humans yet?"

Our professor has a reputation for scaring everybody, to the point that grown men are nauseous and can't get to sleep at night and the consensus of the student body is that she's bi-polar. As she's telling me we are going to meet up to go work at a shelter )and it's just me and her), the first thought that popped into my mind was, "yay though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil." I turned to our ex-Army intern and shared this thought with him and asked, "Is this normal?" He said not only was it normal, it was called for. Later on, when we were at the shelter, looking at animals, we looked at the kittens first. If you didn't know already, it's VERY hard to determine the sex of small kittens. She asked me to sex a kitten. I wasn't right of course. Next we looked at a full grown dog. I immediately said, "female" which was the right answer, but then looked at her face and terror came over me, it was a terror that one wouldn't even face on the witness stand if it was a mafia murder case, "well, maybe it's a boy, I don't know." My face lights up cherry red and then I am told, "she is most definitely a female who recently had puppies." Case closed. Still haven't gotten my grade back on that rotation yet.
2020 Update- I did get a great grade in that class. Apparently because we were all frightened of her most of us students were equally awkward. She typically picked a student she didn't like and failed them, there didn't really seem to be rhyme or reason to it. I said the St. Michael The Archangel prayer every day I went into clinics and I got a 3.5.
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