I had originally lost a lot of work at the beginning of this crisis, but now I'm getting a decent amount of it back. Add on the change in situation where my husband is at home and my hours and flexibility have changed. Moreover, my sister brought a great blessing to us in recruiting me to teach classes online, and I now have lesson planning and trying to fit in more and more classes. (It originally was helping out with grocery money and now it has taken off and I kind of feel pressured into doing more because I keep getting requests to teach more classes.)
As my husband said, "It's not really like we are working from home, it's more like we are sleeping at the office." Add on my husband and I trying to split task-mastering our son into his schoolwork (which he has a fair bit of) and I almost feel like homeschooling him would be easier than this online hybrid we are navigating.
At one point I also had to remind my husband that I'm used to having "pleasant" coworkers, so it would be appreciated if he could try to attempt to be friendly throughout the day. He took my feedback and adjusted accordingly.

Hopefully I'll get back into blogging soon, but right now my family is busy praying and trying to hold it together. In some ways it reminds me of initiation when I was on my varsity team in college. It was something that involved spray painting from a river/bay. As we were working on our "project" we realized that the boat we were in had a leak, at the same time a police officer above was alarmed by our noise and then looked down, "Oh, just spray-painting, carry on then." He knew our graffiti was good-natured.
Yep- we will all just carry on and when you have a hole in your boat, teamwork help gets you through.
Yep- we will all just carry on and when you have a hole in your boat, teamwork help gets you through.
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