The above may seem like two things that don't go together. Thankfully, I have a VERY helpful husband who also keeps me centered.
I have had it on my mind that the one thing I would like to do this year was put wreaths on our windows outside. Having a townhouse, you can't really decorate the yard a whole lot and I've always found wreaths on the windows very "colonial" and cute. My mission this year was to avoid Pinterest except for this one project. My supportive husband has known I had this on my mind, so he gave me permission (we don't really have to give each other "permission", but it's helpful to avoid the raised eyebrows) to purchase the supplies on sale over Black Friday weekend.
I did some investigations over Thanksgiving as to how it is done. (I thought you simply bought a "window wreath"). I investigated how others did it and said, "cool, I got this". Hmm. Then I discovered Pinterest said absolutely nothing about window screens. Minor detail, I thought. It also said nothing about windows that would not open.
I put the wreaths together (one bow completely fell apart, so I had to return it and get another, still keeping in the Christmas spirit, because when it's 4 weeks before Christmas, shopping is fun : ). Then I tried to figure out how I was going to get the screens out of our 3 story house. I wasn't planning on getting a big ladder outside and my husband who has never directly said it, is either afraid of heights or tall ladders was going to end his support at this point.
Between nap time and other downtime with the toddler, I got the upstairs screens out and put them downstairs. I got one of the wreaths up and thought I would do the others over the next couple days as time allowed. I was proud! I problem solved, got the wreath up and nothing had fallen 3 stories. I took the screens downstairs and put them in the garage. My husband came home and the first thing he noticed was not the wreath in the window, but the screens in the garage. "Um, honey, how are you going to get the screens back in?," he asked. I told him we had been talking about how the exterior of the windows hadn't been cleaned in the 4 years we owned the house, so we would either put the screens back in at that time, or try to put them in from the inside, it was a problem to deal with in the Spring, but wasn't he happy with how the wreath looked? He was happy once I assured him he would not be climbing the 3 story ladder...
On both the right and the left you can see what happens when you have a dog hovering near cookie cutting time. He looks spotted. I love the doggy vacuum sometimes, but sometimes, it's just a mess...
Ideas to keep Advent Holy
The above link was a refreshing read to help me remember that while we try to make Christmas perfect for our families, it's important we focus on what really matters. While we could have a Better Homes and Gardens perfect house, if it takes being cranky or not spending quality time with my family, I'm not interested. The memories of tickling my son, making car and airplane cookies, wrapping presents, (I now know I have to be careful because he kept saying what I got his daddy) and enjoying hot chocolate and a Charlie Brown Christmas will be the memories that will stick with me more.
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