The technician looked at me sadly- I could see it in his eyes- I've had that look in my own eyes- how to break the bad news.
Even if it's the case where you can fix the animal- when the price of a fix is horrible and unexpected, people can say and do pretty crazy things in shock.....
I looked at him and said, "I know it's going to be around $500." He got a sudden look of relief. I then told him, "It's nice not to have to break that bad news to someone isn't it." He said- yes, it certainly was nice to not have to deal with someone in shock. I told him I had asked around and also done research on the computer, so I was prepared.

Later on, he told me it was a part they had in stock- so it would take 2-3 days max. He got a BIG smile out of me. I told him I thought it was going to take up to 5 days from what I had seen online. He looked so thrilled to have someone smile at him. I got the feeling he hadn't given anyone good news in a while. I talked with him briefly and said, "I'm in a profession where I have to break bad news to people, it's nice to not have to do that isn't it?" He was very excited and said, yes, it was very nice that I had done my research at home. I shared with him it's much better to go into shock at home where some wine and a hot shower is readily available. I choose to try to do research to avoid an unpleasant public meltdown. He got a smile out of that.
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