Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Broken Computer Screen

You may notice a difference in my blog over the upcoming days/ weeks as my computer screen has broken.  I'm not sure exactly how it happened (I always find it interesting how my computer and phone can survive being dropped and other incidents that I was sure would injure them, while they break when I'm not sure exactly what happened).

Somehow, my computer was on the floor and the screen cracked.  The only viable reason I can come up with is if there was a cord or wire or something that got caught between the screen and keyboard that cracked it.  Regardless- you never realize how much you depend on some
thing until it's broken.  Currently, there is about 1/4 of the screen that is still working, so I'll go with that.

I won't be able to take it to get fixed for another week and then it will probably be a week after that before it will be fixed.  I joked with my husband that it saved us money (haha) because I had been doing some online shopping and when it broke it saved me from making some purchases.  He didn't think $500 for a broken screen was worth saving me from a $60 pottery barn purchase.  I guess I can understand his lack of humor there.

Life will go on and at least I have my new planner!  Can't you tell I'm a glass half full type of girl....

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