Monday, September 10, 2018

As the entire East Coast waits...

My family and I don't live on the coast, but we live near enough the coast that we do get hurricanes, or at least their leftovers.  My husband proposed to me on a weekend after the remnants of a hurricane had blown through and there was actually enough wind to fly a kite.  We've seen some serious damage and the town that we got married in actually has high water marks from each hurricane that rolls through.  There's an anticipation, a level of excitement and a level of fear.

In a location where people crowd the grocery stores if we are just going to get an inch of snow, I'm sure there will be a lot of people grocery shopping at the last minute.  My husband and I are trying to plan ahead.  We were supposed to go camping this weekend.  My son was sad when we told him it wasn't going to happen.  Don't want to be caught in the mountains in torrential rain, or even worse, in a valley with flooding.

As I saw my son's sadness coming on I said, "How about we camp in the basement?"  He thought this was a great idea and is looking forward to it.  Hopefully he won't end up liking camping in the basement more than the real outdoors!

We've already had so much rain in our area that everything is getting flooded even before Florence comes through.  My neighbor found some baby rabbits that had gotten flooded out of their burrow.  I helped her keep them warm and found a wildlife rehabilitation facility to take them to so they might have a chance.

With baby rabbits, it's often best to leave them alone.  That is what I told my neighbor to do the first night.  If they smell like humans; the mother will abandon them.  The mothers don't stay with their young and only nurse them for about 5 minutes a day.  My neighbor and I were confused that the mother rabbit would make her burrow in a yard where a dog rambles about 3 times a day.  Furthermore, it was a location that floods easily.  She remarked about Darwin, "survival of the fittest".  I remarked that there's a reason rabbits breed like rabbits.  We weren't really laughing.  We were sad, but gallows humor sometimes suffices when there's not much to do.

The rehab people (these are the people who all they do is rehab wildlife) said they've been getting a lot of baby bunnies.  The outlook is not good, but it's worth a try.  When things get dire, the best you can do is wait, pray and remember, it will all eventually work out as part of God's plan.  Perhaps with some pain, suffering and unexplainable stuff, but as with everything, good can come, even in the face of destruction.

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