I was humored the other day when I realized something that I probably should have picked up on long ago. My dog is pretty good at answering to Dewey- especially if I'm getting my gear on to go outside and take him for a walk or a run. He's not that great at answering to his name if it's raining or cold outside and I'm trying to get him to go to the bathroom.

What I realized a couple of days ago is he answers to me exclaiming, "DARN IT!" and "UGHHH!" especially when I'm in the kitchen. Apparently he responds to these exclamations almost faster than to his name itself. He equates frustrated expressions from me in the kitchen with the sentence, "FREE FOOD, COME AND GET IT". It's kind of funny that what I see as a kitchen disaster, my dog sees as manna from heaven. Unfortunately, his vacuum mode only works if it's a tasty disaster. If sugar is spilled or onion peels get all over the floor- forget about it, he comes and then has the expression of a kid who just chased after the ice-cream truck and it still ran off.

While I had thought about renaming my dog Dewey many other names (I think Scooby was one I had seriously thought about), the name Dewey just kind of fits him. He's rotated through many nicknames (I can't remember them all), but Dewey just fits his personality. He's certainly not organized and orderly like the Dewey decimal system, he's kind of like a cat (so that fits with the cat named Dewey who has his own book), but he's really kind of a Dufus- but in a cute way. Apparently I can add "Darn it and UGHH" to his long list of nicknames. At least from now on when I have a kitchen disaster, it will give me a small smile to know it gives him joy.
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