The other day the little girl came with us to go caroling at an old person's home. I'm pretty sure this is the first time she's done this before or been in this setting and she was pretty quiet the whole time but I'm pretty sure the cogs were rolling overtime in her head. She's one of those kids who's very shy- OR very talkative. My husband had only seen the very shy side of her and that's what I saw the other day as I was only with her when we were around a lot of people.
We had split up cars and in my car was tons of stuff to drop off at a homeless shelter for women and their families (which was on the other side of town with the old person's home). I hadn't really gotten to talk to my husband when we met up at caroling, so when we came back home, I got an earful of what had happened.
I think one of his first statements was "that girl is a really good influence on our son." I had only been trying to tell him this for over a year. "She's really polite and positive and always has something smart to say." I chided with him, "Kind of like me and how I'm a good influence on you?". "Yeah, except she's REALLY polite." I reminded him I was really polite before we got married. He laughed. I also told him that she tries to get our son to eat vegetables just like I try to get him to eat veggies.
He then filled me in on his observations. Generally my husband and son are best buddies and my husband doesn't get to see him interact as much with other kids. I get to spend more time with my son and I try to stand back and let the interactions go and these two neighbors have some really special and funny conversations sometimes.

They also somehow got into the discussion about people "passing away." Not sure where this one came from. My husband was surprised to hear my son say, "One night I was really sick and I vomited in my mommy's and daddy's bed and I didn't pass away and go with the angels, I stayed here." Apparently his friend was relieved to hear that.
At one point my son was trying to listen to his favorite podcast, "Wow In The World" and his friend started talking and he said, "can you stop talking so I can listen to my show?" My husband jumped in and said it was important for his friend to talk and so the conversation went. My husband definitely got to see a different side to both kids in the car. I feel sometimes when listening to them I could be listening to my grandparents, it's interesting for my husband to see such "intellectual" and thoughtful conversations. It reminds me that the best moments in life aren't "scheduled" or have a "curriculum" to go with them.
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