Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day

Once more I would like to say Thank You to all those who have served our country in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.  Thank you for your service.  Thank you especially to those who served in wars that weren't popular and did not give the Thanks that they deserve.  I always try to say an extra thank you to those who served in Vietnam because I think they dealt with war a world away as well as a lot of internal struggle at home.  I hope that some day the whole world will figure out how to live together peacefully and that evil will not exist anymore.  Until that happens though, I will sleep at night because I know that those serving our country are the most selfless, hardest working and honorable around.  I also would like to say a thank you to our veteran canines who have helped countless soldiers and who have put their life on the line to save our soldiers.  Not only do canines help our soldiers on the battlefield, but they are helping our veterans with PTSD back home.  Thank you for your service, words do not do your sacrifice justice.

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