Earlier, I had wanted to blog about our Monsignor at our parish. So, I will talk about him for a little bit and his inspiration and how that intertwines with this veterinarian, Mother Teresa and the Homeless. Intrigued?

I had told my husband a little while back that I didn't want to go to Confession with Monsignor, as unfortunately, his hearing is not very good. I informed my husband, "Even though I'm a repentant sinner, I don't need the whole church to hear my confession." A couple days later, we found out that Monsignor had a stroke during Mass. He was rushed to the hospital. As we talked with others in the Parish, we assumed he would be out of commission for a while to recover. Even at a younger age, it takes a lot of time to recover. I also thought, "if that was me, I think I might just say, I'll take a little recover time, read some books and take it easy for a while." Were we surprised to see him, that next Sunday, just a week later, celebrating Sunday morning Mass. Wow! At 89, to recover and just have the willpower to get back to work, we were both amazed. We are very happy he can share his gifts with us still. He showed us a true love of God and his vocation.
Stay tuned for Part II on Friday.
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