That information can be explained by the following:
1) It's exceptionally easier to get a 60 pound goofy, happy dog in the car to go for a "trip" than to try to convince a 4 year old that a needle is a good thing.
2) It's also easier to remember to take the dog into work with you to get the flu vaccine when you hear his nails on the floor and realize he's due for a nail trim.

4) My husband hates shots- he says he's going to get it tomorrow. Maybe I should make a bet with him as to which one of us goes first to get it.
5) My excuse- I was planning on going weight-lifting and I didn't want to be painful prior to the weightlifting. Yes- this is a real excuse.
6) Flu in people is bad, but so is flu in animals. There are actually two strains that they can be vaccinated for, so my poor dog is going to get his other one boostered in February. They need to be boostered once a year once they do the initial series of two (at least us humans only get one once a year). Dogs can die from flu, even healthy dogs and dogs that are social and travel are more likely to get it. My dog fits both of those bills. We also live in an area where dogs travel from all over the country and the world, so we are ripe for an outbreak. Currently, it's the southeast and midwest that has had some outbreaks, but it can happen at any point.
Well, hopefully writing this blog
post will assure that I remember to follow up and make sure everyone gets taken care of. Also- hopefully this is a reminder that if you are part of the at-risk population you should get your flu vaccine too!
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