In a week of shortages, such as groceries that were ordered on Saturday for pick up on Thursday and got cancelled, to finding out people who offered reassuring promises of employment last week are now dropping commitments into July, and having to get by using bamboo toilet paper, I've had a tough time being a great mom.

I've lost my patience, or come very close to it. Sometimes it feels like I'm living in a musical. My husband and son like to randomly break into song and it's not the best environment for focusing. I've found myself wanting to work almost as much for my sanity as for finances.
This has been a time where I haven't had my proudest parenting moments, especially in trying to get my son to do his schoolwork. I have three degrees and am trained to do life-saving procedures and chest taps. I have not been trained how to get my 6 year old to focus when he does his math work. I found myself in an argument with him the other day where he told me how he hates it and doesn't like it (I think the root cause is he's bored) and I explained even though he doesn't like it and doesn't think he has to do it, he does. He gave me all the reasons he shouldn't and I told him fine, those are your reasons, but what do you have to say if I tell you it needs to be done so you can grow in virtue? That ended that diatribe. I think he realized there was no way he could argue with virtue.
Later on, my son's teacher on an online secular platform asked the students what their favorite holiday was. I was interested to hear what my son would say. When it was his turn, he said, "Easter!" When the teacher asked why, "because Jesus rose from the dead and that’s the best thing ever!"
God shows us kids are resilient and even though I felt guilty for lamenting my problems with bamboo toilet paper and without my favorite foods I must at least be doing a couple things right and there is hope for us all.