Of course I cancelled our Costco membership a couple of months ago, so a house that is normally so well-supplied in toilet paper that my son used to make castles with it is actually rather short. Some other items are not as well supplied as they could be. My husband and I took account of our pantry and found we have a fair supply of peanut butter, flour and sugar. The following list is not listed in order of importance. I'll start the list off with-
Things I'm grateful for:
1) Family- this is an obvious one
2) Peanut Butter and Jelly (or without) Sandwiches- it's going to be fun for my son because he actually doesn't get to eat these at school
3) Pets- the dog and cat are actually loving our home-bound situation, I think they think it's the best thing ever and the dog has gotten more walks in 3 days then he typically gets in a month
4) A kid who loves to be outside. It reminds me that "social distancing" does not need to be cabin fever. Hiking, outdoor Stations of The Cross, walks and our own family basketball tournament make things fun
5) The fact that I got a new computer before this all started...
6) We live in a time of technology that even with social distancing my son can do video chat with his classmates and we can FaceTime with our family
7) People who are understanding and choose kind
8) People with a sense of humor- we all need a little bit of that right now. It's a serious situation, but we can always look for beauty and humor to help carry the load
9) Online shopping!
10) Lent- a penitential time period reminds us that there is eventually an Easter. Celebration will come.

12) Disney Plus bringing FROZEN out early. That was a nice surprise. And let's just be grateful for streaming services in total
13) Digital books through the library- this is great!
14) Extra time to spend with the family. Let's face it. We are normally going, going, going. We are forced to sit down and be with each other and just be present. That's a gift.
15) Readjusting expectations. Sometimes, when a lot of things/opportunities get taken away, you realize just how much you have and that needs are different than wants.
Feel free to add to this list and I'll add more as the time goes.
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